Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My Professional Portfolio

A professional portfolio is essential while studying Education. The portfolio holds all of the activities I had completed throughout the Science course. In a way, the portfolio keeps me organized and sorts my work to show my accomplishments. A professional portfolio contains many different parts that have to be filled. These parts consist of the unit plan and topic. Along with that comes the completed lessons I had created with the group evaluations. My scientific me project was also completed and attached to the portfolio along with my science fair project. These two projects show my knowledge about science and what I previously knew or studied to help me with my current knowledge on science. Also included in the portfolio are different parts that include resources I may have used along with pictures and videos of me while teaching. This is to show the reader and viewers exactly what was done so they can see for themselves. An essential part of the portfolio is my resume. This portfolio can be used for jobs I may be interested in as people can see what I have accomplished and have my resume right there to look at as well. A portfolio is a lot of work but also engaging at the same time. This is a learning experience!

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