Friday, March 25, 2016

Research Article

Literacy in the Learning Cycle

Literacy is such an essential part of elementary learning. Children use literacy to learn to read as well as expand their imaginations. The Five E learning cycle uses trade books and inquiry to successfully learn literacy. The Five-Step cycle includes engage, explore, explain, extend, and evaluate. Trade books are used in various ways to help with the Five E learning cycle.

Trade books can suggest a problem to be fixed, allow students to make predictions, make an activity, and develop questions. This takes students prior knowledge of the given topic and set up questions for students.
The explore phase generally handles the hands-on portion of a lesson. This is where students use their prior knowledge from engage and practice with it. Students should learn to ask and answer questions for this part of the cycle.
During the explain phase, students are taking what they had learned and practiced (hands-on) and explain to others. They share what they had learned and practiced. They make sense of the activity and develop an understanding for the topic.
During this phase, students should take what they have learned and focused on and find trade books that focus on the science topic they had studied. They can use this step to read the trade book of choice to help with their understanding of the topic.
During the evaluate phase students can use their trade books to find ideas to pose a question or problem. If not all, most answers for this phase are usually right in the selected reading. Students can put all they have learned and focused on and test their ideas during this.

Choosing a trade book is easy. During an inquiry lesson, students can take the lesson topic and take a trade book to help continue growth of the lesson. Students or teachers can form a test of knowledge and a problem from the book that the students can try to solve.

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