Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Teaching Inquiry lesson to fifth grade students.


Inquiry is the final step of teaching a lesson. In our case, our Inquiry lesson had followed the Direct Instruction lesson. Inquiry lesson planning still takes up quite a bit of time just like Direct Instruction, but not as much. For Inquiry, the students are generally taking over and showing what they have learned. During our lesson, we provided a few beginning powerpoint slides with review so the students can be reminded of what they had learned. Students are creating meaning through doing in Inquiry. It is very essential to remind them what is being taught during the lesson.

Once we had reviewed our previous Direct Instruction lesson, we provided a task and problem for the students to complete. Once they were given the problem, they had to draw a hypothesis and work together to figure out the given problem. Once finished with the work, students are encouraged to present their findings to the rest of the students. As an independent practice, we had provided a letter for the students to write. Try to refrain from saying "homework". Use a more engaging and interesting word so they do not think it is actual homework.

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