Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Ever had any misconceptions?
What misconceptions did you have?
How did they affect you?

Today in my class, the teacher guided us to remember any misconceptions we had on listed topics she had given us. In my group we had topics of: Green plants, Volcanoes, and The Zoo.

Green Plants:

I had to think back to when I was a child and list my misconception of "Green Plants". I had listed that these plants could be trees, leaves, vegetables, and non-living things. As learned, plants are living things. They need sunlight and nutrients to grow.

So, thinking back to when I was a child again, I had to list a misconception that I had of volcanoes. I used to think a man was in the middle of the volcano pressing a button to make it erupt. I had also thought the volcanoes had erupted more frequently than they really do. Volcanoes erupt once every few years or more.

The Zoo:
Finally, thinking back one more time to when I was a child I had to think of a misconception I had of the zoo. I had always thought the animals were born and raised in the zoo. I never knew or understood that the animals were taken from their natural habitat.

You can have a misconception about anything. It is interesting to look back to when you were a child to see the many misconceptions you have had of things that are so normal today.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Alyssa, and particularly this post! It was fun to read about your misconceptions and your reflection on how children have similar misconceptions. I like your use of photos and organization as well. My only wish is that you had reflected on how misconceptions play a role in teaching and learning.
