Thursday, February 25, 2016


Going into week 5, I have already learned so much through my science methods course. So far, two out of four groups have presented two lessons each to a 5th grade class. My group is approaching next and I have learned so much to complete for when I present my two lessons. Each group had a different topic. A Direct Instruction lesson as well as an Inquiry lesson was presented to the students. Students were kept engaged and were able to complete different activities during each lesson. During the Direct Instruction, students were to listen to the lesson be introduced and what they will be learning about. During this lesson, they complete guided practices to keep them focused. During the Inquiry lesson, the teachers generally review what was learned in the last class (Direct Instruction). Teachers then give students a problem they are to solve. I have learned that students seem to like Inquiry work. They can put their heads together and come up with great ideas!

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