Thursday, February 25, 2016

Introduction- About Me.

I have always grown up around children and always had an interest in helping people. Putting the two together, I have gained a strong interest in helping children learn one day. During my high school time, I was an avid babysitter. I would take a babysitting job as much as I could. I also took part in a program called, "Early Childhood Education." This program was a two year program that I attended half day during my Junior and Senior year of high school. This program is where I gained such a stronger interest in becoming a teacher. I learned how to form lesson plans and how to work with young learners. After completing my certification here, I attended college where I am a History Major with a concentration in Elementary Education. I hope to graduate with my Bachelors and attend school for my Masters in Special Education. I would love to become an Elementary Special Education teacher. Right now, I work in a two and three year old class at a daycare. Working with children everyday is such an amazing part of my life. I love impacting their lives and helping them with whatever I can. I am so excited to see what my future has in store!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Alyssa!
    I really enjoyed reading your about me blog! It was so interesting to learn more about you :). I also worked with children for many years which helped me to realize my love for being around them and my goal of becoming a teacher one day. I never knew that you had gone to school to be a Preschool teacher! That's awesome. I'm sure that you will be a great elementary special education teacher one day. It is wonderful that you would like to go into special ed. Many students want the certification but don't actually want to use it. It is definitely challenging to work with children with special needs. I mentored a student in high school with special needs and also worked with students will special needs at a young age in elementary school. However, the experience is more than rewarding and it is amazing to see how much you can make a difference in a child's life! I hope you continue to chase that dream!
    Kelly Raich
