Thursday, May 5, 2016

Finals, Finals, and more finals! Why Stress?

It is that time of the year again when everyone is ready to break down and sleep for days! Finals time! I want to provide some advice and small things I have learned this semester that helped me. One of the main things I have learned throughout my Science Methods course was to not stress and pace out your work! Much of our work was scattered out but all due at the end of the semester. In a case like this, why wait till last minute to complete? I tried my best to keep up with the work pace and get all of my work done when it was given. This had helped me a lot due to the fact that I did not have much to worry about during the end of my semester which is now. I completed most of my live binders portfolio a few weeks back and now I have time to sit down and fix it up to make it the best I possibly can! I have time to study for other classes as well because most of my work is complete. During my time in the Science Methods course, I learned to stay organized and get things done. The professor has showed my colleagues and myself different tools to stay organized. Some tools included the live binders portfolio which had included all of our work throughout the course with descriptions on how we completed it. Also, we used google docs to save much of our files in a folder made for just this course. This course helped me get prepared and organized and definitely left me less stressed out this time of year! 


  1. Alyssa,
    This blog is something so important to all students who take the Science and Social Studies Method courses. These courses are very beneficial if the work is spaced out and done at a steady pace. Not only does doing the work like this make us less stressed at the end, give us time to study for our other courses and teach us the importance of planning and pacing our work, doing the work like this allows us to get the most out of the weekly content that we are assigned. Using tools such as the Live Binder and Google Drive make not stressing that much easier. Lastly, it was a pleasure to work with you this semester. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do as I know you will be nothing short of successful. Enjoy your summer!

    Danielle :)

  2. Alyssa,
    I really enjoyed reading this post because I can definitely relate to it! Taking three methods classes this semester has definitely been tough and I have had a long and hard semester. It is definitely important to pace out work in methods classes. If you do not pace out your work and do assignments in a timely manner than you will be drowning in work at the end of the semester which will just cause an abundance of stress! Time management and hard work are important to get through this class. In addition I also learned how important it is to not get stressed. The first class, I was at the verge of an anxiety attack because there was so much information and so much to tackle and I didn't even know where to start. However, over the semester I worked on each thing one at a time and learned how to handle it all, as many of us did. I think that this class has really helped us learn how work our hardest. It was a pleasure working with you all semester. You were a great group member and you were always helpful! Good luck and have a great summer!
